Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WoW it's been awhile!

So much has changed since I first decided to start this blog.  For those of you noticing the earlier entries...hey, I tried to be creative...but school got in the way :)

At this point in life I am excited and thrilled to be living life to the fullest. With school almost finished and the recent arrival of my 30th birthday I must admit that time is moving faster than me, but I have on my lowest heels (with grip) to keep up!!

I have always dreamed of the mother land... AFRICA and finally have the blessing of going for 3 1/2 months! There are so many things that could have prevented this journey but by the Grace of God it is and has happened.  I will try my best to keep everyone updated but already I can see how hard it is going to be! With a six hour ahead time change and a steady work schedule, I will have to acquire some serious time management.

There are so many times in life where I have felt down. I've wondered where I was going, where I was going to end up. At times fear halted my footsteps. But, I have stayed true to me and believe that patience has brought the best blessing. Right now dreams that were always just that..  have now become a reality. Being human I must admit that at times I do worry at times I fret but right now, I know ...

I am exactly where I need to be when I was supposed to be here.


  1. I'm so excited for you and how you are living life by design. I read over your entries and to see you now living your dreams is very inspiring to someone in the same place as you. I hope these entries have served to liberate you and your mind. It defiantly was refreshing as well as encouraging to read. Stay walking in victory. All the best Nic.

  2. Hi Nikky,

    Its me your longtime friend Dion(from air miles)...I recently got in touch with T and she gave me your blog. Wow its been awhile...and I am happy that you are doing so well. I am so proud that you have decided to take this you I have the desire to live my best life but is at a cross roads as I am trying to build up the courage to do something different.I know how driven you are therefore the people of Cape Town will be bless as they will be positively impacted by your wisdom and compassion. Your blog is very informative and I am looking forward to hearing more about your journey...God Bless and I will be praying for you.....
