Monday, May 30, 2011

Lift Every Voice!

 I was out to dinner a couple weeks past, when I heard voices raised like a choir coming down Long Street. The intensity of their voices could not even be captured by video. I tried to upload from my camera but it's not working :( so hopefully you will catch the gist. Their voices were so strong and in Harmony it was bone chillingly beautiful. Picture it, no instruments just hundreds of students singing in PERFECT A Capella in.. I'm telling you they could have put plenty choirs to shame!  These were students out the night before elections in South Africa. Voting is very important here! It is a must.. All who can vote, do! The younger generation of South Africans heavily promote the importance of voting. They believe we are the generation of change and must join together in solidarity to have our voices heard. The younger generation here are so influential that Parliament dare not exclude their concerns!
I was excited to witness the march and to feel the I.N.T.E.N.S.I.T.Y
It is important to remember that Apartheid was barely abolished more than a decade ago. Blacks and coloreds were unable to vote and had no rights up until 1994!! Madness!  Nelson Mandela's reign as the first black president in South Africa was a major victory, only a few short years ago. However with any change there is always resistance. There is still so much racism and poverty that divides the country, that as a people we must work hard to overcome.  We must all remember that forward movement is a must in order to avoid the bondage of the past.

When I see hundred's of youth marching for their belief in change, a passion stirs within me. It's the same unbelievable excitement I felt at hearing Egypt's President Mubarak step down. Wasn't that amazing! The people brought about that change. Many people thought that nothing would happen but with resilience, passion and knowledge the people were heard. As with Nelson Mandela there was passion and a commitment to change and the government heard. I must remember this in my own political life when I feel that the policies, bureaucracies and politics of the government will never change. It's like a challenge now to be motivated to be a part of the people who change things.  How Do you guys feel about Politics? Do you think that the people can bring change? Do you think this is possible? 

I saw a quote in the slavery museum (that post to come shortly)...

Never doubt what a few committed human beings can do to change the world (ukn author)
I Believe it. 

Be Blessed 


  1. That's inspirational!
    LOVE IT!

  2. This note touched me. We are so lucky to live in this part of the world. For sure SA is on my bucket list.
