Monday, May 23, 2011

May 3rd ..Up Up and Away

Here’s where it all begins...
If it were not for my girl Layla I would have been late getting to the airport! For some strange reason instead of being excited to leave, the reality of a 3 month departure started to kick in. Poor me was left feeling slight anxiety…you know that feeling before you run the 100metre…yeah, that. But, like a true girlfriend she calmed my fears… off to the nearest shoe store we went! And after browsing the shoes and purses in Browns I was all set to go! 

As any mommy of 3 would she left me with the mommy speech.  Don’t talk to strangers, don’t take food from strangers, and look both way’s before crossing the road (not doing so good on the last one lah) 

So as Cat said goodbye to her boyfriend and I to Lah we were off …  Here we come South Africa

May 4, 2011
At first we were all excited. As you can see in the pic below it was nothing but all smiles.  However after one six hour flight, six hour time zone change, followed by the final leg, a 12hour flight...Misery was my name. At this point conversation was mute and all I wanted was a flat bed. 
FYI in the future I will have to save up that little extra for the first class bed.   In this situation... money can buy happiness 

MAY 4, 2011

I have a fascination with movies and most particularly airport scenes. I have always wanted 'just like in the movies for someone to be holding a sign with my name on it! Well' this trip has definitely started out with delivering dreams.  As we exited the terminal there he was holding a sign with my name on it.  Ohhh, the simple joys :)    Welcome Nicole to South Africa ...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Cola, you have finally made it to your ancestry grounds. The academic journey that has led you there with the enthusiasm of working with various population has led you to be found. Look at the sign with your name "NICOLE ALFONSO" as if you you were lost...anyways, back to the your motherland... Congratulations again.
