Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Climbing a Wonder of Nature...Table Mountain

The view was crazy … the wind was crazy… It was crazy beautiful.  If anyone has been to the Grand Canyon you’ll understand that pictures really can’t do it justice.  Table Mountain is now campaigning in the Global election to be nominated as one of the new Seven Wonders of the Natural World. Everyday  South Africans are urged to go online and vote.  I must say that the view was amazing. You feel like your sitting on top of God’s footstool looking over South Africa.  As the breeze blows and the air is clear and clean you feel like your in a whole other world. My mind was so clear to think and reflect. I enjoyed every minute of this journey. I have hundreds of pics but to not bombard you I grudgingly choose a few :)

 Take note that this is just the bottom cliff that you must climb to get to the Base of table Mountain! Nowhere near the top...

Crazy people! They're everywhere you go,... what can I say.  These people were rock climbing down the mountain,.. the drop is so steep I could never imagine doing this!

I felt like the Lion King on Pride Rock!! Here I am overlooking AFrica...
Feet up, lying on my stomach just chatting with God..
Can you see the different colours in the sky, overlooking the mountains, which overlooks the land... Beautiful... Wish you guys were here to see it AND feel it

This Pic shows off all of downtown Cape Town. The centre bowl to the left is the major stadium where FIFA was held! The front and centre dock area is their famous V& A Waterfront and all in the middle is Cape Town central bowl. This is where most people work and some people live.  This is where all the Actions at!

Is South Africa on your to visit list? If not it should be  :)

Camps Bay

Camps Bay

After a long day at Table Mountain we went to Camps Bay. This is a popular beach area in South Africa. It is very beautiful with it’s blue water white sand and wonderful shops. We spent the evening just relaxing on the patio taking in the sights.   Unfortunately is was too cold for a swim, although we did walk along the beach.  Have I mentioned that I love South Africa?  Just walking down the streets is like a breath of fresh air on day’s like today.  Home Sick?... not yet! 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Lift Every Voice!

 I was out to dinner a couple weeks past, when I heard voices raised like a choir coming down Long Street. The intensity of their voices could not even be captured by video. I tried to upload from my camera but it's not working :( so hopefully you will catch the gist. Their voices were so strong and in Harmony it was bone chillingly beautiful. Picture it, no instruments just hundreds of students singing in PERFECT A Capella in.. I'm telling you they could have put plenty choirs to shame!  These were students out the night before elections in South Africa. Voting is very important here! It is a must.. All who can vote, do! The younger generation of South Africans heavily promote the importance of voting. They believe we are the generation of change and must join together in solidarity to have our voices heard. The younger generation here are so influential that Parliament dare not exclude their concerns!
I was excited to witness the march and to feel the I.N.T.E.N.S.I.T.Y
It is important to remember that Apartheid was barely abolished more than a decade ago. Blacks and coloreds were unable to vote and had no rights up until 1994!! Madness!  Nelson Mandela's reign as the first black president in South Africa was a major victory, only a few short years ago. However with any change there is always resistance. There is still so much racism and poverty that divides the country, that as a people we must work hard to overcome.  We must all remember that forward movement is a must in order to avoid the bondage of the past.

When I see hundred's of youth marching for their belief in change, a passion stirs within me. It's the same unbelievable excitement I felt at hearing Egypt's President Mubarak step down. Wasn't that amazing! The people brought about that change. Many people thought that nothing would happen but with resilience, passion and knowledge the people were heard. As with Nelson Mandela there was passion and a commitment to change and the government heard. I must remember this in my own political life when I feel that the policies, bureaucracies and politics of the government will never change. It's like a challenge now to be motivated to be a part of the people who change things.  How Do you guys feel about Politics? Do you think that the people can bring change? Do you think this is possible? 

I saw a quote in the slavery museum (that post to come shortly)...

Never doubt what a few committed human beings can do to change the world (ukn author)
I Believe it. 

Be Blessed 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The other side of Cape Town

I know a lot of people have been asking how work has been going. It's not that I don't want to talk about it, it's just that once I start talking I just start gushing. Work is hard and emotionally draining. I will use this post just to let it all out today.  There are two parts of South Africa I have come to know.  There is Cape Town where people drive Audi's and BMW's. The morning bustles with commuters coming into the city as most people don't actually live in Cape Town, but in the surrounding suburbs.  Cape Town is expensive and to actually live here would mean you work to pay your rent' that's it.  Monday to Friday I head out to the surrounding towns. I work in the areas of serious poverty. Shanty towns. One room shacks with no running water. Two beds but ten people living in a room not big enough for five grown adults to stand in comfortably. One of the offices I work out of has one of the highest cases for child abandonment. We are called out to investigate children left in drains, left at hospitals or left in fields.  Mothers attend the office in droves to drop off their children. This week I've been dealing with a woman who is 27 with five children. She doesn't want this life and doesn't want her kids. This is very common. Teenage pregnancy is on the rise along with HIV/AIDS as condoms are still taboo. I'm told that Sex is not something discussed at home. Children are sent to the clinic. At the clinic they learn more about sex. Birth control is free but people still prefer skin to skin. I ask' but what about HIV? .. the young girls say they want to keep their men...

I walk down streets on cold mornings to see children playing in drains with no shoes no pants no parents. Some days I feel like my heart is just going to tear apart. I'm just going to start crying and not be able to stop. Today we came upon a child with down syndrome no older than 2 left on his own, just crying. On day's like today I feel so small so inadequate... I just want to take him home.  We discovered a case today of a small child that was being molested. The mother is distraught and has no idea who's been doing it or when it might have happened. With so many people coming in and out the possibilities are endless. The system here is backlogged I'm told...she has been waiting for help for almost five months. I go to the bathroom to release my breakfast. I'm angry, I'm disgusted, I'm frustrated! I cry for a good 10 seconds... then return to work.  I feel the world has gone mad. I know there is purpose but when there are so many days like today I really have to search deep to stay positive. Cat say's I'm optimistic beyond rationale at this point. She says that after everything we've seen this far my outlook is distorted. However, I must hold onto hope that there are still men and women striving to change their life and the lives of their children. They are the reason why I do what I do.

A large number of school aged children don't attend primary school... instead they roam 

In the Shanty Village there is no running water inside the shacks. You have to walk to the communal areas to use the bathrooms. This is where many of the young girls are raped/attacked

 Children play in these open areas and in the drains ... the child below was just off to the side with no parent around playing in the sewer  

Monday, May 23, 2011

Walking around my Cape Town neighbourhood...

Here's what I love about Cape Town South Africa. I love seeing Table Mountain almost everywhere we go.  I love the food! Did I mention I love the food...
Cat and I have gained a good 15 pds combined..note: we are probably under estimating since we both refuse to step on a scale! Off of the famous Long street there are renowned chef's and sidewalk bistros.  I must admit that sitting out on the patio and enjoying a good cup of hot chocolate is becoming addictive. Life is slow, which forces me to just relax and take everything in.

Cape Town is famous for it's V& A Waterfront which is also walking distance from where we live.  Just seeing this city makes me love nature and crave peace.  Just look at the views...wouldn't you?

Also nearby is the Cape Town Garden area. Here people ride their bikes have picnics and just relax reading a book.  It's so quiet and tranquil I really wish we came during the summertime so I could be there more often... Everyone would know where to find me... Nicole .. ohh' you'll find her in the gardens towards the middle by the benches with a good book :)

Our first Outing...May 9th

May 9th 2011-

According to Cat I was the high light of the evening... not the flying 3inch cockroach!! We went out for the evening at a beautiful restaurant called Cape to Cuba.   We laughed and dined through the evening and made declarations to visit again before the meal was even complete.  As I sipped my cranberry ginger-ale I noticed a slight shadow pass behind my head.  I slowly turned to see what caught my attention only to notice a cockroach longer than my thumb pass my head and head straight towards Cat's ear! I could not even form a proper sentence other than....Cat..Cat..Cat... as I got up and ran from the table!!
Hearing the fear in my voice Cat immediately jumped up without looking knowing danger was near.  As Cat her friend and I stood around in shock, the waiters laughed but refused to go anywhere near the table themselves. Supposedly these flying creatures are a common occurrence in South Africa and I should start to get used to it... ummmm not likely.  

To my dismay instead of leaving everyone decided to switch tables!! Can you believe this! Even after I mentioned endless horror stories of people who have been attacked...Yes by cock-a-roaches.., I am serious!  Anyway's Below is a pic of the happy party.. minus me.

 Needless to say I haven't been back.

May 3rd ..Up Up and Away

Here’s where it all begins...
If it were not for my girl Layla I would have been late getting to the airport! For some strange reason instead of being excited to leave, the reality of a 3 month departure started to kick in. Poor me was left feeling slight anxiety…you know that feeling before you run the 100metre…yeah, that. But, like a true girlfriend she calmed my fears… off to the nearest shoe store we went! And after browsing the shoes and purses in Browns I was all set to go! 

As any mommy of 3 would she left me with the mommy speech.  Don’t talk to strangers, don’t take food from strangers, and look both way’s before crossing the road (not doing so good on the last one lah) 

So as Cat said goodbye to her boyfriend and I to Lah we were off …  Here we come South Africa

May 4, 2011
At first we were all excited. As you can see in the pic below it was nothing but all smiles.  However after one six hour flight, six hour time zone change, followed by the final leg, a 12hour flight...Misery was my name. At this point conversation was mute and all I wanted was a flat bed. 
FYI in the future I will have to save up that little extra for the first class bed.   In this situation... money can buy happiness 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WoW it's been awhile!

So much has changed since I first decided to start this blog.  For those of you noticing the earlier entries...hey, I tried to be creative...but school got in the way :)

At this point in life I am excited and thrilled to be living life to the fullest. With school almost finished and the recent arrival of my 30th birthday I must admit that time is moving faster than me, but I have on my lowest heels (with grip) to keep up!!

I have always dreamed of the mother land... AFRICA and finally have the blessing of going for 3 1/2 months! There are so many things that could have prevented this journey but by the Grace of God it is and has happened.  I will try my best to keep everyone updated but already I can see how hard it is going to be! With a six hour ahead time change and a steady work schedule, I will have to acquire some serious time management.

There are so many times in life where I have felt down. I've wondered where I was going, where I was going to end up. At times fear halted my footsteps. But, I have stayed true to me and believe that patience has brought the best blessing. Right now dreams that were always just that..  have now become a reality. Being human I must admit that at times I do worry at times I fret but right now, I know ...

I am exactly where I need to be when I was supposed to be here.