Monday, December 28, 2009

My Girlfriend Meron came to town for Christmas which is always exciting. Whenever she comes to town she has me running all around town, which was no different today!..Basically it’s like I’m her little ho! LOL...Nevertheless I was out and about and prepared to withstand the day as she dragged me through endless stores. I was in comfortable foot wear (3 inch heels), however comfortable nonetheless. When she's here it’s always a great time, however it's always sad when she leaves. I'm always plagued with this immediate urgency of wanting to streak out, and follow my dreams of living in the big apple. She lives in DC where she hates it, and is constantly travelling to NY almost every weekend (the perks of a P/T flight attendant). I figure why not just make the dream a reality and both run off to NY together!! We can get a flat and become struggling waitresses ... we could get jobs at Starbucks ... learn words like Grande half-caf latte no whip ...LMAO

After it’s all said and done I always return to the swift reality that is my life!..However, I do enjoy the reality of a healthy steady pay check (hey,..who will pay for my

 I digress, ...all that being said I adore my girlfriend and can’t wait until our next venture

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Age is merly perception

I am reaching yet another birthday which coincede's with the random grey hairs appeaing on my head! Although on some days I feel that my age is catching up on me...this weekend was a reminder that your only as young as you feel :)
This weekend was fun filled spending time with my sister, and our friend Jason. The first Pics are of our night out until 3am...whoo hooo!!!   The following day we headed out to yet another birthday party that lasted 'till the sun came up :) The world is my oyster!

Although now I am quite tired and the thought of Monday morning now gives me chills,.. I'm excited to be living it up!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Cloudy with afternoon spots of rain....

Alas, after holding my car in the shop for an extra two days I was told that precious(for those who don't know that's the name of my car), could be picked up at the minimal price of $398.00!!! This was supposed to be a $40.00 in and out repair!! I digress... Back to being stranded. Although the mechanics aren't far from my local bus stop , in this cold weather walking simply wasn't an option. My dear girlfriend Lah came to the rescue :) I officially throne her as the 'Jill of all trades' there is no substantial or frivolous information that she doesn't know,.. Plus she's there for you in a jam! What I'm battling today is whether 2010 will be precious's last year. She is getting older and although i love her, she may be approaching the next couple of years as a costly expense. I have not paid a car note since 2003 and the thought of spending money on a new car just doesn’t seem to excite me; a monthly payment will be sooo expensive. No Micky D's Mcchicken, orange drink without ice..No 'I will take both those shoes one in black one in brown...No extra eyelash fills!!! OMgosh, the possible negative cutbacks are horrendous to even consider. Therefore I’ve come to an instantaneous decision...precious will live on until the good Lord takes her!

Slightly Overcast..

I was stranded yesterday! It all began when I brought my car in for a routine emission check only to be told that 'miss your car failed the test! In those few precious moments I calclated the expense of all the christmas gifts already puchased for others' and sadly mourned the loss of the Matt and Natt purse I had been eyeing at winners' :(

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Silent Reflection

Today was a long day. I worked another Saturday at the court house in order to get another vacation day for the school year next term. After I finished work I should have come home and relaxed ...however instead I ended up aimless in the mall. I bought a new pair of winter boots from Capezio that will last me for quite a few winters, making it well worth the price!

Although the new purchase cheered me up a bit, I was still feeling a little cloudy. After leaving the mall I drove back across town to attend the 60th Birthday Party of a man I adore like a second dad. I'm really glad that I didn’t let my sober mood make me miss out. There was lots of Laughs, Food, and Love, as there always is at every family event :)

Although this is where I should be saying the evening ended in a perfect note, it didn’t. Instead I'm home...blogging. There were sooo many kids!! Did I mention I love Kids! (Well to be more specific the ones I love and know :) Lately, as I slowly get closer to my 30th year my priorities and feelings are changing. My mind is constantly bombarded with thoughts of me getting older, school not being finished, the thought of if or when I'll have kids. These thoughts and feelings plague me quite frequently now. I know that it's not realistic to have a child right now, but at the same time I feel as though since I've changed from not wanting to have kids to wanting them, I suddenly feel the loss. I know I have friends and family that support me... yet at times the room is full but empty. I know this feeling is pronounced today because my internal barometer is cloudy and overcast. As humans it's so interesting that we all crave a want to be loved, accepted, and belong. Today watching everyone with their families made me sad. I too wanted to pack up my 'herd' and run out to the car. Instead, I walked to mine alone. I know that tomorrow I'll probably question why I would post such a sad sounding blog. But, I want to use my page as a release from the things that sometimes we are too scared to say out loud. And hopefully this will encourage me to live free of fear! To live my best life. I know that this day will pass, and tomorrow this will be an afterthought, but I'm glad that tonight I took the time out to just 'feel my moment'.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Idle hands... lead to full bellies

One of my favorite past times is spending time with dumps[Dumpling cheeks]..., my lovely sister! In addition to spending time we also particpated in one of my favorite past times...eating out :) With nothing else to fill our time, this is usually the end result. Although we are both boycotting carbs after six o'clock...East Side Mario's was the closest location! I love a good meal cheap or expensive. And what better way to top off a good meal,but with a little shopping :)
All in all it was a good day. I have my last major exam on Monday, then I'm off for the winter break. I plan on enjoying every minute of my free time.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.....Today is a new begining...A fresh start!
I have been contemplating for the longest while 'should I start a blog' should I actually start to track this rambleshackle of drama that I call my life! Well.. Today I have decided is that day! I dont know if this will ever reach the light of day, but I feel as though this is a step in the right direction towards finding me~